ABOUT US Cyp-Cana Security
Cyp-Сana Security Ltd got involved in the industry of security in 1966 and managed to establish a highly respectful company within the country in 1981.
The founder and owner, Mr. Michael (Mike) Panayiotou, immigrated to Canada in 1966 where he worked and trained in the security industry until 1980, when he decided to move back to his native country of Cyprus.
In June of 1981, he established the first professional security system installation company in Cyprus and one of the first in the Middle East. The company name is inspired and drawn from his past experiences in Cyprus and Canada (CYPrus-CANAda).
Cyp-Cana Security Ltd began promoting and introducing security systems to the Cypriot market at a time when crime was at a low rate and managed to present a highly advanced security technology to the island.

In 1992, the company established the first 24hrs Monitoring/Control Centre in Cyprus, opening its offices in Limassol and since then, it has been operated by trained operators and well-skilled employees, available for the customer 365 days a year, 24/7.
This professional support center is what distinguishes Cyp-Cana until this day, pushing the company to remain the greatest competitor in the Cypriot market. The company now, has a well-recognised control centre that provides support, service and protection as its core values towards customers all over Cyprus, mirroring its high reputation in serving industrial, commercial and residential markets and offering unique property protection.
Services mainly include installation of Security systems (Burglar/Intruder Alarm), Fire Alarms, Closed-Circuit Televisions & Cameras (C.C.TV) and Access Control systems. Moreover, Cyp-Cana offers monitoring services and customer support via the 24/7 Control Centre, superior maintenance and after-sale support, as well as excellent patrol services.
The company collaborates with world leaders in the security industry such as Visonic-TYCO, BSC, Altec and Telefire and stands at the cutting edge of global technology. Its innovating developments have set new standards of professionalism and service for the entire industry throughout the years.
Cyp-Cana demonstrates flexibility and understanding in terms of adapting to each client’s security needs, budget and operative capability, while always safeguarding the client’s security interests. With more than 8000 installations in Cyprus and more than 6000 subscribers, Cyp-Cana has become a leading and trusted company in the field of safety systems and security on the island.